Why Join?

The Knights of Columbus are committed to making our community a better place, while supporting our Church.  The Knights of Columbus also provides an opportunity for you and your family to get to know other families in our parish.  Families can socialize, and our events often enable other parishioners the opportunity for fellowship also.  Being a Knight is about much more than camaraderie, however.  It is about being involved with your community.  It is about supporting your local Catholic Church, while growing in your own faith.  It is also about providing security for your family and enhancing your family life.

Do I Have to Be Active in a Certain Number of Events or Meetings after Joining?

No.  This is a common misperception that unfortunately causes some busy men to be reluctant to join the Knights of Columbus.

While all knights are encouraged to be active, there is no set requirement.  As a Knight, you can choose the projects that you become involved with, and you volunteer only the time you have available.  As a family fraternal organization, the Order is dedicated to family life and the need to balance your time with other activities.

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